
Raspberry Pirate Radio

Using a Raspberry Pi and a plain 10-20 cm wire with the ability to be connected to an individual GPIO pin as an antenna, it’s possible to transmit radio at a distance of up to 50m or so depending on several factors, including whether or not local interference is causing feedback, or the conductive attributes of the transmitting wire. In my case, a single unsoldered breadboard jumper cable was used as an antenna. This can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, you could transmit encrypted messages across radio waves, block actual radio stations locally and replace their broadcasts with your own, or simply use it to send audio to different radio enabled speakers around your household. By using PiFM, Youtube-dl, and ffmpeg, it is possible to download and broadcast youtube audio to whatever radio frequency you would like.  This post is just a quick introduction to using a Raspberry Pi as your own personal radio transmitter. PiFM is the library used to transmit an audio f