A Simple Python Script for Your Twitter Bot
A simple python script allowing a twitter bot to search for two separate terms in the public tweet stream, and retweet the results in an alternating pattern. In this case i use the search terms "black people" and "white people". This is not intended to teach you how to set up your twitter bot with developers.twitter.com. Once you have your API keys and access tokens, copy-paste them into the script where indicated. Currently if the variable "a" is even it will retweet a recent post that contains "black people". If it is odd, it will retweet a popular tweet that contains "white people". so adding more search terms will involve implementing some other system that has as many states as the search has search terms. You can change the rate at which you retweet by editing the lines with "time.sleep(x)". where x is the number of seconds you wish for the bot to wait in between retweets. You can change the search terms by replacing any...