
A Simple Python Script for Your Twitter Bot

A simple python script allowing a twitter bot to search for two separate terms in the public tweet stream, and retweet the results in an alternating pattern. In this case i use the search terms "black people" and "white people". This is not intended to teach you how to set up your twitter bot with Once you have your API keys and access tokens, copy-paste them into the script where indicated. Currently if the variable "a" is even it will retweet a recent post that contains "black people". If it is odd, it will retweet a popular tweet that contains "white people". so adding more search terms will involve implementing some other system that has as many states as the search has search terms. You can change the rate at which you retweet by editing the lines with "time.sleep(x)". where x is the number of seconds you wish for the bot to wait in between retweets. You can change the search terms by replacing any...

A Message to Queensland University of Technology and the MATE Program

To be fair, the only reason I showed interest in the program was to see what kind of ideologies are being spread around in our schools and universities. As feedback, there are some issues I had concerning aspects of the workshop. It minimised male problems walking while through a dark alley by very quickly skipping over male reactions to the situation, while focusing on accumulating more detail on the female side to make a gendered point. It didn’t acknowledge 2/3 murder victims are men, male suicide epidemic, perceived biases in the family court skewed in the favour of women, etc. It has not been possible to develop reliable estimates of the total percentage of the raw gender wage gap. When given more choice, women tend to choose less dangerous jobs than men, 3 in 4 part time jobs are held by women, and the necessity for breastfeeding and close mother/child relationship results in more women choosing to leave full time careers. By attempting to ‘fix’ equality of outcome, there needs t...

The Impact of Customer Retention Programs on Individuals and an Adaptation of the Technology Acceptance Model

The purpose of this report is to provide insight into the customer loyalty program, Flybuys, and to evaluate the impact it has had on individuals in terms of the function of its business model, its integration into society, and its innovation. The scope and limitations of the technology acceptance model (TAM) is explored, as well as the relevance of customer retention programs, such as Flybuys, to individuals in the customer loyalty marketplace. A proposal for the integration of additional elements into TAM for improved accuracy and predictability is also presented. Product Background Flybuys is a customer loyalty service owned by the coles division of Wesfarmers limited, which is known to be one of the most prevalently traded public companies in Australia. Flybuys was developed as a collaborative effort between Shell, NAB and Wesfarmers predecessor, Coles Myer, in an overwhelmingly successful attempt to gain public interest in their services to boost customer loyalty and ultimately in...

Empirical Comparison of Two Algorithms for Minimum Distance Between Elements

This report outlines the steps taken to analyse and compare two different algorithms for finding the minimum distance between two elements in an array. For each of the algorithms being analysed, a basic operation and problem size were chosen before rigorously testing each of them under identical conditions so as to obtain comparable results. The main concerns of these tests were to count the number of basic operations required to complete each algorithm, and compare their execution times several different array sizes. Several graphs were produced visualising the very clear difference between the two algorithms. 1. Description of the Algorithms Both of the algorithms are very similar in that they both require an array of numbers as input, iterate through the input array in some manner, and qualify each inspected element before returning an output. The input array values can be integers, floats, or doubles, it does not matter, as long as all elements within the input array are of...